“Iron Lady” or Weaker Paul?

Despite the fact that emancipation, as a phenomenon, originally appeared in the West, such trends have long been very common in our country. The strength, vigor of the spirit and the unbending of the Russian woman were praised for centuries.

We all know the expressions about the "burning hut" and "horse for the gallop". And each of us has far tried on our life more than once in life. But in the world, be that as it may, there is so much exclusively male work that the question often arises, how to fulfill it.

Probably, at the genetic level, we have the fact that in some situations we can repair complex equipment and score a nail. But is it worth doing? If you have broken a car, you do not need to look for a masculine principle in yourself and try to repair it yourself. Experienced auto -elected SEEKERAVElectric will help you much more professional and faster.

Some women are proud that they can do men’s work. But history shows that much better results are when a woman skillfully controls a man. Perhaps we need to adopt the experience of the behavior of the most famous women of history – Cleopatra, Elena Beautiful, Roxolans? It was they who were remembered to the whole world as great seducers. But Jeanne d’Arc and Margaret Tetcher were remembered by the world, like some men in skirts.

Well, a woman should not control the troops, no matter how strong in spirit she may be. Higher forces awarded all representatives of the fair sex by much wider possibilities. And let we fight for the same rights with men, and let we rejoice when the next woman occupies significant posts and positions in the world. But let’s think about whether these ladies are happy, or they just pull the burden that they put on themselves, although it sometimes seems to be overwhelmed.

And if the qualified technician SEEKERTICAL offers you his help, ready to do all homework, exclusively, for the sake of your smile addressed to him, why angrily reject such proposals? Even if you support emancipation moods with all your might, let’s not forget about how we are created. Whatever they say, the main goal in the life of every woman is to become a mother. But, unfortunately, many ladies understand this in a deep old age, when they become completely unnecessary for anyone. Let’s think about it today. A woman who hears the first word “mother” for the first time becomes much stronger, bold and decisive.

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