English for a month fantasies or reality?

Recently, more and more so-called "courses" appear, on which teachers promise to teach us to speak English in a week. All these promises are suspicious of most people, but, nevertheless, the “crane in the sky” (easy path) seems very tempting. As a result, a considerable number of people agree to such tricks, hoping to see a significant result from such classes in a couple of days. The saddest thing is that they choose the Smileenglish English Elementary program, most likely it would be.

What to do if you need to learn English quickly?

There is no doubt that some emergency methods are still effective. If a person urgently needs to master one or another foreign language (for work, for travel, etc.), then even 2-3 hours a day will be few. In the case of intensive study, you need patience, a lot of free time and desire. Be that as it may, but the goal sometimes justifies the means.

And if you decide to take on English on your own, then be sure to keep in mind the following:

When buying a textbook, make sure that it contains enough theory and practical exercises;

Create the most comfortable conditions for classes and try to study at the same time. For an effective study, it is enough to devote an hour and a half and in the middle you can take a short break;

Be sure to constantly repeat the previously studied material;

Read in English as much as possible and watch movies without translation. This will help to remember the correct pronunciation of words.

Study English in 10 days: truth or lies?

Is everything as simple as the advertisement promises? It is impossible to learn English perfectly in a week or in a month. You can only get acquainted with elementary phonetics, and also memorize several dozen words.

However, it is unequivocally stating that these promises are an empty sound is also incorrect. It all depends on the number of hours and the information load of such lessons. The allegations that English can be learned in ten days, while devoting 30 minutes a day, are a lie. But the allegations that English can be learned in a month, devoting very little time for this, are true.

You will spend 9 hours studying the language in the event that every day you spend half an hour of your time within a month. And in order to learn English from zero ABOUT at least to the initial level, you need to spend at least 200 hours. Therefore, do not chase the result, you need to really evaluate the initial data and be prepared for the fact that the study will take some time.

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