How to get your life back on track after a divorce: secrets and advice

Divorce is always accompanied by stress. It is not easy to cross out everything and start from scratch. The situation is especially complicated if the news of the separation came as a complete surprise to a person.

Psychologists’ observations indicate that a painful divorce can cause psychological trauma. If you do not notice it in time and do not start taking measures, then after some time it can develop into post-traumatic stress disorder. A person may have obsessive thoughts about the traumatic event, nightmares, anxiety and a violent manifestation of emotions in response to a trigger reminding of the breakup.

When there is nowhere to draw joy from, life becomes difficult. Mental pain turns the world into a continuous “Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich. Successes at work, achievements in fitness, an evening with friends and especially the beautiful weather outside cease to please.

If you like novelty, you easily change hobbies, places of work, social circle, then you are more likely a “dopamine user”. It would seem that in this case, divorce should not have a negative impact on you. Indeed, it is easier for you to adapt to changes. Unless you consider the breakup a personal failure that cannot be explained and changed. If the situation turns out to be uncontrollable, then dopamine drops, and with it the desire to do something.

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