Hair increasing tips

Hair increasing tips

At all times, and all peoples were the standards of female youth and a stately figure, clear eyes and a white -toothed smile, as well as long, shiny, thick hair. All these are signs of health and beauty that any woman seeks to preserve and increase. And if we make our figure and gait ourselves, with our teeth – everything is also clear (a good dentist works miracles!), then to give the hair a density and volume until recently, two ways were used. 1.Long-term, and very energy and resource-cost: hair growth, through daily rubbing of various folk remedies in them, as well as products of modern chemical industry; 2.Fast and very uncomfortable: a wig.

In the past 15 years, the situation has changed dramatically! Hair extension was invented, which gave a chance to millions of women without any effort to look just amazing. You can now make an increase in almost any beauty salon, remains only from the variety of species and ways to choose exactly your own. What exactly needs to know for this?

Building is partial or complete, you can choose different lengths, color and hair structure (but, of course, the best option is to make extensible hair in structure and thickness with your own).

What technologies are there:

Hot increasing

With the help of a heated keratin -based resin, the extensible strands are attached to your own hair. At the end of the process, with hairstyle hair, you can do the same as with your own hair, the strands hold well, combine little, but they are removed for a long time and hard. The term of socks is up to six months (it all depends on the growth rate of your hair).

Cold building

The strands are attached to your own with glue (Spanish technology), or whole ribbons (ribbon extension), as well as using clip (extension on rings). In the process itself, the thermal effect on the hair when increasing, the hair can be dyed and cut, and in order to remove, for example, a strip extension, it will take very little time.


In order for extended hair for a long time to delight you with their healthy look, they require everyday thorough care. In the arsenal you need to have:

– special brushes for combing and fluids for unraveling (ordinary brushes can damage the capsules, in extreme cases, use a comb with rare teeth, without a ball at the end);

– shampoos for washing and means for laying extended hair (extended hair do not have bulbs, and you do not need to nourish it, and also – some technologies are simply not compatible with ordinary shampoos, and may damage the extension itself!).

Wash extended hair in a special way: keep your head vertically, in no case throw back. Wipe your hair with a towel carefully, you do not need to rub them vigorously. And never go to bed with a wet head.

Follow our recommendations, love your hair, take care of them. And then your lush hair for more than one month will delight you with its excellent appearance!

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