Many people do not understand the true meaning of the word governess. They see this word in ads, and hire it to work. At the same time, they ask her to walk with the dog, cook food, clean in the rooms, go shopping, read fairy tales, entertain your son or daughter in every way, and much more. But in fact, there is a huge difference between the words of the nanny, the housekeeper and governess. You need to understand what is the difference between one profession and another. Governess is a home teacher, or tutor, with a mild approach. Her services do not mean cleaning in the house or walking a dog, but training and development of children.
What is the work of governesses?
Governing work Vacancies2.PHP?page = 3 consists in classes with your child, his development, help with the preparation of homework, and so on. In principle, you can agree that the governess does and do some homework, or other similar services, for a fee, but it is better to hire a nanny or housekeeper for this. Therefore, you need to clearly understand who you need, a person who will prepare, monitor the order in the house, or engage in the development of your child.
If your children do not go to school yet, such a governess will help to fully prepare them for her. Among other things, she will help to identify talents, see what objects the child has more abilities, that he is interested in. Thus, later, it will be possible to immediately understand in which direction it is better to develop his knowledge. For busy parents, Governess governess services.PHP is a very good way out. In preschool age, development, you need to pay the maximum possible amount of attention, and it owns a set of special tests to identify abilities, and knows how to develop memory, attention, logic, and love of studying in children. Naturally, after such preparation, your son or daughter will be much easier to study at school.
People of such a profession as governess know how to instill in children motivation and interest in learning, to wake an interest in visiting any circles, such as dancing, music. Also, the services of a home teacher provide an opportunity, if desired, to start studying a computer and foreign languages from an early age, which is necessary today. At preschool age, it is very important that the development of the child passes optimally in all directions and aspects, and parents themselves cannot always keep track of this. And the home teacher will be able to, and clearly knows how to achieve such a result.
If your child has already gone to school, he also needs attention, especially in elementary grades, since competent homework and sufficient attention paid to him is very important. Also using the services of governess, you will not have to go to parent meetings, she will talk with teachers herself, and decides which subjects should pay more attention.
Thus, if the development of the child is important to you, then you should certainly use the services of governesses that will help you a lot, and then you can calmly deal with your business, without worrying if he learned lessons. And also, it will develop much faster and more rapid than peers.