How to push a partner for a wedding?

Avid bachelors are in no hurry to part with their advantage – freedom. What to do to women who seek to get not only a loved one, but also a husband?

Alarm calls

A man who is not in a hurry is not necessarily an inveterate bachelor, whose plans do not include marriage. However, among free young (and not very) people, convinced supporters of freedom are increasingly found. If you were at least three times the most attractive, smart girl, an economical mistress, constantly using the Lamoda promotional code and other possibilities to reduce embezzlement, but such a man simply will not call you because of his beliefs. How to see his true intentions?

Well -groomed, comprehensively erudite, ambitious, dressed with a needle, a young man not deprived of female attention – this is a portrait of a modern eternal loner.

Getting acquainted with such an intellectual, planning to build a long relationship, take an interest in his past experience, correlate what you heard with his age. He was over 40, but he has never entered into marriage? Perhaps he will never do it again. If the duration of the relationship with each of the previous passions does not exceed a couple of months, do not expect that it will linger with you for a long time. He is actively passionate about the story of his own business, hobby, entertainment, not interested in your? Not surprising! In his life, a woman has much less meaning than gatherings with friends.

Your excessive custody, accompanied by a constant manifestation of attention, will only push the man. Neither presents in the form of fashionable clothes will be saved, which will allow the Lamoda promotional code, nor brand accessories purchased in the Lamoda store with the best intentions. You need to act differently.

Way to success

Saw episodes from your life in the described picture? Do not lose heart! Women can do a lot, and you can definitely get the desired man. Small tricks will help to gently push the partner to a serious step.

1. The gradual restriction of his freedom will allow us to get used to the thought of your constant presence in his life, without injuring pride.

2. Do not crush emotional pressure. Less questions like: “And you love me?"," And when we get married?"And others. Show your disinterest, spurring the guy to further action.

3. Do not try to break, redo. The formed personality you will only push. After all, no one forbids you to purchase the next stylish blouse, albeit having an affordable price that is guaranteed by the Lamoda promotional code, although you have enough things? With men’s hobbies the situation is the same.

4. Encourage his activity: gave a new perfume, thank, brought it to the cinema – reward a long tender kiss. Then a man will want to do such actions more often.

5. Be a person with your circle of friends, hobbies, favorite work. Spend free time engaged in shopping in fashion stores (Lamoda, for example), sports, visiting beauty salons.

Pamper yourself with new things, which the Lamoda promotional code will help to purchase at a discount, love yourself. And then your chosen one will also want to be with you.

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