Venison useful or not?

Until recently, only the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia, the Far East of Russia, Norway, Sweden and Scandinavia knew about such a product of food as a deer. This is the main food of many ethnic groups, thanks to which the northern northernities survive in difficult climatic and geographical conditions, on Earth, where there are actually no plant foods and fruits. It was this fact that attracted the attention of the public, scientists began to solve the secret of the being of Nenets, Yakuts, Tungus and other northern ethnic groups.

The results were stunned. It turned out that Olenina is unique in its biological indicators an animal product that has a complete spectrum of all the vitamins, fats, and mineral components necessary for the full and active functioning of the body. But the most amazing thing is that venison is a storehouse of animal protein, which is involved in the growth and division of tissue cells, ensures their regeneration and endurance. For example, if you compare the meat of a deer and pig, it turns out that Olenina contains 3% – 8% more than a selected pork. Oleninka will tell you more details about the product and give examples of finished products.

It also turned out that Olenina is the only meat in the world with high dietary and therapeutic characteristics. It does not contain fats, but what is even more interesting, is considered a “clean” product. The latter means that deer meat only in rare (exceptional) cases is a source of pathogenic bacteria and parasites. That is why residents of the Far North without fear use the product in a fresh (paired) form. The highlight of the polar cuisine is dishes of paired meat, for example, a strogan. The steam venison -cut, cut in thin slices and served with berries.

Thanks to the development of reindeer husbandry and the popularization of the national food product of residents of the Far North, to buy Olenin in Moscow and other regions of Russia today is not difficult. Moreover, a huge percentage of people prefers ready -made dried and smoked products made from this unique animal raw materials. And nutritionists and specialists in the field of medicine are confident that the addition of such a unique product to the diet will allow humanity to overcome a number of diseases that are a scourge of civilization: obesity, low immunity, cardiological problems and others.

And finally, Olenin is the only meat in the world that contains antioxidants and a huge spectrum of salts. These trace elements allow the body to resist cancer, increase mental and physical endurance, strengthen the bones and escape from cholesterol.

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