How to improve the diet by beekeeping products

How to improve the diet by beekeeping products | Women’s paradise

Even in ancient Rus’, our ancestors knew about the healing properties of honey. So on August 14, the Honey Spas Feast was born, which obliges to visit the best fables of beekeeping products and purchase unique varieties, propolis, royal milk and other useful ingredients.

In the modern world, there is no need to go to suffocating heat in fairs, because the Honey Spas online store allows you to choose and order any product of the highest quality to the house.

As beekeeping products affect health

Honey. Surprisingly, this 30% solution of real honey coincides with blood plasma in composition. It replenishes a carbohydrate supply, soothes the nervous system, strengthens the vessels and heart, removes toxins and stones.

Propolis. It is considered a natural antibiotic capable of suppressing the activity of bacteria, fungi and even viruses, without violating the balance of natural microflora. Propolis also renews cells, removes free radicals, suspension of salts, joints of heavy metals and hyperoxidants from the body. This healing product inhibits aging processes, increases life expectancy.

Royal milk. Regular use inhibits the development of cancer cells. The product also stimulates brain function thanks to minerals, amino acids and vitamins of groups B, H, PP, C. Flot milk stimulates metabolism, restores the functioning of the endocrine system, improves the composition of the blood plasma, positively affects the reproductive system, and promotes a comfortable and easy pregnancy.

Pollen. Enriched by enzymes, the update normalizes the intestinal microflora, stimulates the heart muscle, improves the functioning of all internal organs, protects against radiation, prevents the occurrence of tumors. Also, pollen is able to restore the impaired DNA chain, prolonging the life and youth of the cells.

Parch. It is a storehouse of macro- and microelements, contributes to a set of muscle mass, normalizes hormonal background and improves the condition of the circulatory system.

Tincture of wax moths. An innovative product with a general strengthening and immunomodulating effect. Universal Altai remedy for many diseases is available only here. Effectively used for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, diabetes, pathologies of the reproductive system. It is also used for rehabilitation after serious operations and injuries as an antiseptic. The tincture of wax moth restores metabolism, regulates the level of cholesterol and sugar.

Bee poison. It is considered a folk defender from stroke and heart attack, restores nerve cells and helps in the prevention of thrombosis. Promotes the normalization of pressure, soothes the heart, reduces attacks of angina pectoris, tachycardia, arrhythmias. Effectively used for smoothing scars, produces local anesthesia.

Wax. It is considered a natural sorbent that binds and removes poisons, radionuclides and toxins from the body. Wax contributes to the normal production of bile, prevents the development of rickets and comprehensively strengthens the body.

The indicated beekeeping products should be present in a person’s diet to one degree or another, which will allow you to forget about diseases and pathologies for a long time.

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