Proper weight loss

Proper weight loss

If you decide to part with the hated extra pounds, the Women’s Paradise website advises you to do this correctly, because along with kilograms, the elasticity of the skin is lost, especially after 30 years, when the skin is no longer so elastic. But if you take into account some features of the body and provide the skin with proper care, various troubles can be avoided.

Slow weight loss. Many desperate girls, in the fight against extra pounds, under the influence of advertising of miraculous means for weight loss, are ready for everything, just to achieve a positive result. And here all kinds of heads begin, the helping of all the most rigid diets in the world, all kinds of tablets for weight loss are used. Of course, if desired, you can achieve great results, even in a short time, but at the cost of which? At the cost of losing your own health, beauty and plus to all this, returning even more weight after a while. It has already been proven by both doctors and cosmetologists that weight loss should not exceed 4 kg per month, for someone it may not be so interesting and inspiring, but only under this condition your skin will be able to tune in a new way.

Exercise stress. It is known that physical activity improves all metabolic processes in the body, including in the subcutaneous layer. The synthesis of collagen is improving, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Therefore, performing physical activity, you support not only muscles, but also skin in problem areas in tone. Do not neglect massage, it can be manual, honey or vacuum.

Proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition, you can’t cope with excess weight, and so that the skin remains fresh and elastic, include several points in it. The first is the content of fats in a daily diet – not lower than 30 grams (slightly larger than a tablespoon). Just give your preference to unsaturated fats located in vegetable oils, nuts and fatty species. Secondly, the main building material for all tissues of the body is protein (lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy products), so include it in each main meal. Thirdly, support the water balance of the skin, and therefore its elasticity. Norm per day from 1 to 2 liters of water.

Body care. The process of even the most correct weight loss is stress for the body, including the skin. It is at this time, in addition to traditional daily procedures, it needs to be more more likely to care. Necessarily on your toilet table, next to body care products, the cream that strengthen and give the tone of your skin will appear. But this is not all: all kinds of wraps that strengthen baths with various oils, visiting the bath – have a great effect on the elasticity and beauty of the skin.

Author: Natalia Konkova

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