Painless birth truth or myth?

A top horror story for expectant mothers is rightfully considered childbirth. As many horrors as invented about this natural, in general, the process, did not create the entire world cinema. How they love to scare their followers “experienced” inhuman pain, a lot of complications, the horror of the process itself. And how true is it? And in general, can the birth be painless and without consequences?

If we turn to the world of animals, mammals, you can see that childbirth does not cause special suffering to the female. If we turn to the epic, to the experience of cultures, which are recognized as “primitive”, we see that the norm is many children in the family, and a woman can give birth without separation from production, tie a child and continue to do her own business. It shows that even people living in another socio-cultural environment do not cause some superhuman pain. These women are something different in anatomy? By no means. Their difference is in psychology.

Manifestation of pain and self -deception?

The mechanism of pain is the product of his majesty. He signals that something is wrong in the body. But childbirth is a natural process to which the female body is adapted. Then where the pain is? Everything is simple – the pain is generated by consciousness. The mechanism of labor pain is fear, the following tension, and as a result – pain.

Where does the horror stories come from? From early childhood, the girl perceives for granted that birth is pain. Even at a subconscious level, it fits that the mother’s attitude to her can be a consequence of pain transferred in childbirth. Further, this belief is strengthened, for decades, and when a woman becomes pregnant and her fears about pregnancy are confirmed by toxicosis, spoiled (in her understanding) appearance confirmed, the subconscious fear of childbirth intensifies repeatedly. The future mommy reads horror stories about childbirth, and the brain absorbs – it hurts wildly. Medicine strengthens fear.

Когда подходит время родов, мозг уже уверен, что это больно и дает соответствующую команду телу. A woman panic, strains, the pain intensifies, the brain obediently performs commands. As a result, it becomes one horror story more.

How to make childbirth painless?

Remove fear. The experience of women from tribes far from civilization, the experience of conscious birth, when a woman receives an orgasm during the birth of a child, in the end, look at her kitty. She gives birth without problems! Because he doesn’t know that it hurts. In addition, every year there are more and more schools of conscious motherhood, where women who gave birth without pain share their experience with friends.

Thanks to the Internet, any woman can find out about painless birth, ask for advice and come consciously to natural motherhood. In addition, childbirth may not be at home in a hospital or at home. Many are convinced that the birth is abroad, that is, the other surrounding situation helps the mother to give birth to a baby without anxiety and fear. Childbirth in Nice

Childbirth without pain is a reality. Pain gives rise to fear, fear gives rise to consciousness, and the brain obediently fulfills the command given to him. To give birth without pain, set the brain such a team, give birth without pain, and you will succeed!

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