Egg diet

Egg diet

Eggs are a very useful and hearty product. In the eggs there are almost all substances and elements that the human body needs for normal life: folic acid, nicotinic acid, niacin, choline, biotin, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, iron, protein. In addition, the eggs contain a large group of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E and even very rare vitamin K.

Now there is even a special egg diet, with which you can drop from 5 to 8 kilograms in two weeks.

The basis of the daily diet with an egg diet, as it is easy to guess, are eggs. For the purpose of the best digestibility, the eggs will be best prepared for the software. Fried or boiled hard eggs – this is quite heavy food for the stomach.

Eggs themselves are a small -calorie product. One egg contains no more than 100 calories. But with all their rather low calorie content, the eggs perfectly quench the feeling of hunger.

As mentioned above, the course of the egg diet lasts 14 days. At this time, you are offered a fairly monotonous diet. The egg diet is quite stiff, even the most insignificant deviations from the proposed menu are unacceptable. If you eat something bypassing the dietary menu, you can assume that all your efforts have been in vain, you can start the entire diet re-release.

Breakfast with an egg diet will be the same for all fourteen days: half a grapefruit or orange, two eggs cooked softly, and a cup of natural coffee.

Lunches and dinners will be more diverse:


Lunch – fruits to choose from any quantity (apples, oranges, grapefruit, pears, watermelon)

Dinner – boiled meat (200 grams)


Lunch – boiled chicken (200 grams)

Dinner – 2 eggs, boiled soft, vegetable salad, a piece of dried bread, orange (or grapefruit)


Lunch – tomatoes, low -fat cheese

Dinner- boiled meat (200 grams)


Lunch – fruits to choose from any quantity (apples, oranges, grapefruit, pears, watermelon)

Dinner – boiled meat (200 grams) and vegetable salad


Lunch – 2 eggs, boiled soft, carrots, zucchini, beans (beans)

Dinner – vegetable salad, boiled fish and orange (or grapefruit)


Lunch – fruits to choose from any quantity (apples, oranges, grapefruit, pears, watermelon)

Dinner – vegetable salad and boiled meat (200 grams)


Lunch – boiled chicken (200 grams), tomatoes, orange (or grapefruit)

Dinner – boiled vegetables to taste

The diet of the second week exactly repeats the diet of the first.

What else can I say about the egg diet? Well, firstly, this method of getting rid of hated kilograms is intended exclusively for completely healthy people. If you have any chronic diseases, then it will be better for you to abandon such a diet. Secondly, you will have to abandon small snacks between meals, reduce the use of salt, oil, fats to a minimum. Thirdly, during the seats on the diet it is recommended to drink more non-carbonated water and play sports. Fourthly, from excessive use of eggs, an allergy to this product often appears.

This method of losing weight has established itself well, but before sitting on such a diet, it will be better to consult a dietitian.

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